Why do people divorce? Not only for one time but also it can be two or three !! A person thing that he/she is not adjustable or sometimes call them as Manglik. Is it the only reason? Let’s see. Combinations Indicating For Divorce The sun in the seventh place in your horoscope is considered bad for marital happiness. There will be some frequent ego clashes between the couple. If the…

আমাদের বাড়ির অত্যন্ত গুরুত্বপূর্ণ অঙ্গ হল বাথরুম। শৌচালয় ছাড়া যে কোনও বাড়িই অসম্পূর্ণ। কিন্তু বাড়িতে শৌচাগার বানানোর সময় বাস্তুর খেয়াল রাখতে হবে বৈকি। বাস্তু বিশেষেজ্ঞদের মতে বাড়িতে বাথরুমের অবস্থান ঠিকমতো না হলে তা অশুভ শক্তি ডেকে আনতে পারে। কারণ বাড়ির অত্যন্ত গুরুত্বপূর্ণ অঙ্গ হলেও শৌচাগারের মধ্যে নেগেটিভ এনার্জির উত্‍স হয়ে ওঠার বিপুল সম্ভাবনা থাকে। এই কারণেই আগেকার দিনে মূল বাসভবন থেকে দূরে বিচ্ছিন্ন ভাবে শৌচালয় নির্মাণের প্রথা ছিল। আজকের দিন…

None of the scientists could say that the earthquake will come on any specific date, at a certain place. They cannot even predict the period. Scientists are helpless to predict that when, where and why the natural wrath will occur? In this context, earthquake astrology is 100% able. Astrology can tell specifically & accurately when and where rainfall happen and why? It can also tell in which parts of our country,…

A genuine astrologer practices real astrology which demonstrates that celestial bodies exert a definite influence overall organic life on earth. He can reveal the characteristics of an individual, his positive and negative traits, success and failures, position etc. Thus he helps an individual to understand himself, his family and friends. In a nutshell, a good astrologer points out the potentialities, capabilities and limitations of an individual. An astrologer is not…

Certain houses and their significators, especially mercury and Jupiter are taken into consideration regarding education. Jupiter signifies knowledge and wisdom whereas Mercury intelligence. The 4th house in a horoscope signifies education; the 5th, intelligence and memory, the 2nd, speech and 9th is fortune or education in astrology. Planets occupying the 4th house, those aspecting the 4th house, the lord of the 4th house. The Navamsa occupied by the lord of…

Saturn’s Sade Sati appears to our mind as a “dreadful word.” Lots of misconceptions about the term “Sade-Sati” are going around. On learning, it affects our nervous about pulverizing. We know that when in transit, Saturn reaches the native’s 12th house/sign from the moon called Jamna Rashi. This period starts and continues up to Saturn’s stay in the 1st and 2nd house (from the moon sign). Saturn covers the zodiac…


September 28, 2021

Venus role in love and marriage is a very curious thing. To continue with this topic, let’s have a look at what is Venus? Venus is the most bright planet after the Sun and the Moon. This planet express and stands what is beautiful and soft in astrology, even more, that is a planet for arts and sophistication. It is the destiny of those who born under the Taurus and Libra…

An astrologer for foreign trip astrology is often required to answer questions regarding foreign travel to the profession. There can be two situations: Foreign Travels: This is relative to a difficult question to answer. Earlier going to Delhi or Bangalore from Kolkata was a long-distance journey and like foreign travel. Now even I travel to these cities often and return the same day without spending a whole day there. What…